Ground Plan
„Col Tempo" The W. project
Péter Forgács’s installation / Curator: András Rényi
Ground Plan

[1] Porta
o [1a] Péter Forgács: Rembrandt morphs
o [1b] Giorgione: La Vecchia - video version
[2] Gallery
[3] Archive
[4] Veil
[5] The W.-Project
o [5a] Atelier
o [5b] Titan
o [5c] Dr. W.’s work desk
o [5d] Status I.
o [5e] Status II.
o [5f] Training
[6] Atrium
o [6a] Péter Forgács
o [6b]Vitrin (Sculptures by Louise McCagg)
o [6c] Gershon Evan
[7] Farewell